
Discover the new Role based Surpac and MineSched with DSLS licensing

The latest release of Surpac and MineSched brings an exciting new feature for users of this popular Mine planning and production applications. The new release can take the network licenses offline with a “soft lock” system. This means the application does not require a physical dongle/sentinel and hence the new users need not wait for dongle shipment. There is no downtime to current users due to lost or damaged sentinels. There are many enhancements to the GEOVIA Roles with this new release.

Highlights of this release includes:

  • Enhanced roles for Surpac 2020
  • Enhanced roles for MineSched 2020

The new licensing system allows a greater flexibility for network licenses users.

  • Take licenses offline for up to 30 days (check in / check out).
  • Decrease risk of loss of network licenses using Failover Server Clusters.
  • No need of physical dongles.

DSLS is currently available for New Surpac or MineSched Licenses or for Surpac or MineSched Licenses that migrate to Roles.


GEOVIA Block Modeler
Analyze the spatial variability of earth characteristics and create regularized volumetric models of the combined set of characteristics. Perform bench-based block grade control calculations for open cut operations.

  • Calculate volume and quality of materials within extents of an area under investigation
  • Create reports of any geological object according to international standards
  • Generate volumetric block models & perform geostatistical analysis
  • Evaluate mineral resources
  • Produce outputs for regulatory reports and investment feasibility decisions

GEOVIA Sectional Geology Modeler
Visualize and analyze drill holes and other surface samples and measurements. Perform compositing, sectional geological modeling, meshing and gridding of surface and subsurface geology objects, and bench-based grade control calculations for open cut operations.

  • Input, access and output various types of geological data
  • Select, constrain, view and interpret geological data
  • Create geological, structural and domain models
  • Conduct face mapping from point cloud and photogrammetric meshes
  • Calculate volumes and model quality of materials within area under investigation

GEOVIA Structural Geology Analyst
A comprehensive set of visualization and analysis tools for any kind of oriented data such as drill holes, point clouds and textured meshes.

  • Extract and visualize orientations directly from drill holes, points and block models
  • Analyze surface gradients
  • Visually create planes from point clouds or textured meshes and analyze them on a stereographic projection
  • Perform structural trend analysis in large and complex datasets
  • Perform rapid structural analysis of point cloud and photogrammetry dataset

GEOVIA Mine Contributor
All the tools you need to visualize and collaborate with other mine planners and geologists on enterprise mining data.

  • Input, access and output mining geological and engineering data
  • Select, constrain and view exploration data and mine information
  • Model and create complex surface and solids representing mining data
  • Create point and line data with comprehensive CAD toolset
  • Import and manage massive point cloud data, clean and generate surface meshes, and report on volumes
  • Automate workflows using powerful scripting capabilities with ability to record and playback
  • Support very large point cloud datasets
  • Enable reports, plans and visual outputs for production crews and other downstream uses

GEOVIA Surveyor
Generate the daily survey requirements for the mine site by integrating and processing survey data from CMS, GPS and other traditional survey instrumentation, and update as-built mine geometry from reduced survey data.

  • Calculate total material handled, rehandled or filled
  • Set out or delineate locations and boundaries
  • Ensure compliance with survey‑related regulation or legislation
  • Publish the following measured survey data for use in the mining production process
  • Survey control stations and reduced pickups
  • Mining infrastructure (buildings, roads, processing plants, etc.)
  • As-built maps of the mine, compared to the design
  • Monthly volumes mined/filled and broken (reconciliation)

GEOVIA Mine Designer
Convert strategic mine plans into practical mine designs including mine surfaces, ramps, tunnels, haul roads, waste dump, whilst also producing reserve reports and mine plans. Encompasses all design horizons including daily, weekly, monthly and long term.

  • Design bench, berm and ramps constraints for surface mining
  • Design stopes, tunnels, ramps and shafts for underground mining
  • Design waste dumps, tailing dams and haul roads for mining infrastructure
  • Incorporate geotechnical constraints such as slope stability
  • Integrate geology for reserve reporting of grade, tonnes and volumes
  • Produce mine plans and visual outputs for communication with production crews

GEOVIA Stope Optimizer
Create and consider multiple possible stope designs to determine the optimal design that meets a set of strategic objectives, often tied to extracting the highest possible economic value from a deposit.

  • Generate optimum stope designs for a range of underground mining methods
  • Produce stope inventories from block models that spatially represent the location of mineralization
  • Generate stope designs that maximize recovered resource value above cut-off grade
  • Create practical mining parameters such as minimum and maximum mining width, anticipated wall dilutions, minimum and maximum wall angles and many other factors

GEOVIA Drill & Blast Designer
Design and plan suitable blast patterns to ensures monthly production tonnage targets are met, factoring in safety, materials and costs associated while looking for ways to reduce costs and improve performance.

  • Surface mining – efficient design of bench blast patterns considering blast hole layout, load and charging, detonation sequence and blast solids
  • Underground mining – efficient design of underground ring or drill & blast patterns considering blast hole layout, load & charging, detonation sequence and drill rig parameters
  • Produce reports, plans and visual outputs for production crews and required reporting for costs and volumetrics against targets


GEOVIA Tactical Mine Planner
Produce practical and executable tactical mine plans from a long-term strategic plan, for the optimal development and exploitation of the ore body.

  • For open pit mines, accepts and schedules any number of pits
  • For underground mines, supports scheduling of development advance as well as stope production
  • Heuristic algorithms for target-based scheduling allow superior results to be obtained when targeting specific material ratios and quality objectives
  • Manages stockpiles
  • Calculates haulage requirements
  • Supports all minerals and mining methods
  • Development & production planning integration for sub-level caving

Surpac 2020.1 and MineSched 2020.1 is available to upgrade at no cost to GEOVIA maintained customers covered under the Dassault Systèmes Support & Maintenance agreement. With EDS Technologies’ support the upgrade to the new release is ensured to be smooth and without any hassles.

Watch this webinar where our consultants
showcase multiple benefits of this new release of Surpac and MineSched