EOS Case Hardening Steel 20MnCr5 is designed and tested for use with EOS metal systems and is shipped with a material test report (EN 10204, Type 2.2), detailing chemical properties and particle size distribution from quality assurance testing. EOS offers three optimized processing methods for this material, each with the best combination of parameters (e.g., laser power, layer thickness) for different build speeds. The material's characteristics make it ideal for automotive, general engineering, and applications such as gears and spare parts.
- Good wear resistance: Resists surface damage from friction.
- Excellent surface hardness after carburizing: Hardens the surface to improve wear resistance.
- Material according to EN-10084 alloy number 1.7147: Specific standard and alloy grade.
- Carburizable to achieve surface hardness of 60 HRC: Can be heat-treated to achieve high hardness.
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EOS CaseHardeningSteel 20MnCr5
This case-hardening steel exhibits excellent hardenability and achieves strong wear resistance thanks to its high surface hardness following heat treatment.
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