Other Trends

Optimize vehicle ergonomics with RAMSIS
Optimizing vehicle ergonomics is a key challenge for automotive OEMs as they aim to design comfortable, safe, and accessible vehicles for diverse global markets. RAMSIS, a sophisticated simulation software, helps address this by providing virtual human models to simulate and analyze various body types, postures, and interactions with vehicle interiors. It enables OEMs to optimize seat designs, control placements, and overall comfort, while ensuring compliance with safety standards

Demographic-Driven Ergonomics for Global Automotive OEMs
Demographic-driven ergonomics is a crucial consideration for global automotive OEMs entering the Indian market, where diverse body types, cultural preferences, and regional variations shape customer expectations. RAMSIS, an advanced simulation software, allows global OEMs to tailor vehicle designs to suit the specific ergonomic needs of Indian consumers

GIS for transforming supply chains and market analysis
For Automotive OEMs, optimizing supply chains and conducting effective market analysis are crucial for maintaining efficiency and staying competitive. ArcGIS, a powerful geographic information system (GIS) platform, plays a key role in transforming these areas by enabling data-driven decision-making.