Category: Tips & Tricks Series

Every organization has its own standards and requirements when it comes to designing in CATIA. To adhere to these standards and requirements, some changes need to be made in the software application settings. In this article, setting up of global environment using customization setting from single source is explained in detail. Introduction: From selecting license while opening…

When the setup application is launched, Some times CATIA V5-6R2019 GA installation crashes out immediately. This is due to the bug reported in the original installation launcher. In this blog, we learn how to resolve this error while installing CATIA V5 R29 GA. What is the CATIA V5 R29 GA installation error? While installing CATIA V5 R29…

During designing a rubber component, multiple factors need to be taken care of. These factors are as listed: material considerations with required technical specifications and also as per applicability and function, radius and wall thickness, gate location in mould, rib inclusion, mould shrinkage and draft. Basic Design Aspects (Wall Thickness, Radius, Draft) While designing rubber components, some…

EmbossingĀ is a metal formingĀ processĀ for producing raised or sunken designs or relief in sheet metal by means of matched male and female roller dies, theoretically with no change in metal thickness, or by-passing sheet or a strip of metal between rolls of the desired pattern. Steps to create embossing/engraving in CATIA V5: In the first step, open a…

CATIA link is a dependency relation used to share geometric, parametric or positioning information between components in CATIA V5. Links in CATIA are unidirectional and always point from the child to the parent. Types of Links There are five types of links each of which are explained below with a common example. The CCP link The first…

Boolean operation is an important feature in CATIA V5. Types of Boolean operations include Assemble, Add, Remove, Intersect, Union Trim, and Remove Lump. Assemble The Assemble command basically works considering the polarity of the solid bodies. One may be interested to know what actually is the polarity of a body. In simple words, it can be said…