Category: Engineering

A myriad of products have been changing and improving the facet of our lives, be it machines, vehicles, life sciences. The way products are engineered has been changing recently, being more human-centric. Vehicles are engineered to give optimal driving experience, autonomous vehicles that drive by themselves giving the owner the luxury and comfort, there are many wearable…

Just as humans develop from a single cell and end up with some 13 trillion cells by the time they’re born nine months later, so too do products start with a concept or definition—essentially a single data point. Whether that definition is expressed as a design on paper or digitally, it represents data, explains Callum Kidd, lecturer…

Dubbed “one of the most complex tunneling projects in the U.K.,” the Bond Street Station Upgrade (BSSU) project is being carried out to satisfy growing traffic demands within London’s busiest shopping district, the West End. Upon its completion, Bond Street Station’s daily passenger numbers are expected to rise from 155,000 to 225,000. A project this complex in…