The Simpack Rail Modules allow for the modeling and analysis of any rail-guided system. Common rail vehicles, including high-speed trains, local trains, locomotives, trams, and freight vehicles, can all be effectively modeled in Simpack. Additionally, Simpack Rail can accommodate unique rail applications like roller coasters and suspended railways. It also supports modeling of various track types, including ballasted track, slab tracks, bridges, turnouts, and crossings.
Simpack Rail
The Simpack Rail modules streamline rail application modeling with specialized elements for vehicle components and infrastructure. Users can model wheelsets, drivetrain, and braking dynamics, supported by a library of shear springs, air springs, dampers, and bearings. The intuitive interface allows for arbitrary track layouts, including irregularities, turnouts, and crossings. The modules accommodate varying track complexities and enable modeling of catenary and overhead contact line structures while providing accurate rail-wheel contact methods to analyze stress distributions in contact patches.
Simpack FlexTrack
The Simpack FlexTrack module enables the simulation of finite-element-based track sections within Simpack Rail models, incorporating the effects of track and structural flexibility. It can model various elements, from short ballast spans and switches to entire structures like bridges. This flexibility allows engineers to investigate not only how track flexibility influences vehicle dynamics but also the internal forces acting on the track structure itself.
SImpack Rail Wear
Simpack Rail Wear is an add-on module for Simpack Rail that determines wear distribution across wheel and rail profiles and analyzes profile changes over time. Wheels and rails experience wear and rolling contact fatigue (RCF) due to the forces exerted by railway vehicles, leading to maintenance and safety concerns. Users can select between the ‘Krause/Poll’ and the more detailed ‘Archard’ wear laws. The module features an open structure, allowing users to implement their preferred wear and RCF laws, accommodating a wide range of wear scenarios.
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