
Dear Reader,
With more than 3000 readers and growing, we have reached 12th month of
our monthly issues. As ever, our aim is to provide technology updates, news
and reviews on industry trends in the PLM and 3D real-time visual simulation.
Your feedback would be invaluable to us. It is our endeavor to bring to you,
the most current technology updates relevant to your industry and interest.
Don't miss our anniversary PLM Contest..!
Happy reading
EDS Technologies - Marketing |

Speed Product Development with Integrated Digital Mock-Up
Solutions: A Whitepaper on DMU (Digital Mock-Up) >> |
VAMOS CAA V5 based: Read why VAMOS is the ideal solution
for die design >> |
DI-Guy Scenario: A human simulation tool for creating
interactive 3D training scenarios with life-like human
characters >> |

Thank you for participating in the GREAT INDIAN CATIA CHALLENGE.
Here by, we announce the winners of August edition |
1. |
Ravi Kumar
Olho India Technik
Coimbatore |
2. |
Mann And Hummel Filter
Tumkur |
3. |
Atlas Copco
Pune |
The correct answers for Aug edition - 1) C 2) B 3) C 4) C 5) C |
Participate in EDS Technologies Newsletter Anniversary
PLM contest and win... EDST wrist watch!
click here to participate and win >> | |

EDS Technologies Pvt. Ltd., acknowledges products/names that are used in this newsletter are
trademarks/ registered of their respective holders. Every effort has been made to ensure the
accuracy of all information contained herein. EDS Technologies makes no warranty expressed or
implied with respect to the accuracy of the information, including price, product editorials, or product
specifications. Product and manufacturer names are used only for the purpose of identification.
EDS Technologies Pvt Ltd
#153, Second Cross, Promenade Road Frazer Town, Bangalore - 560 005. India Ph :+91 (80) -
25514338 - 6 Lines, Fax :+91 (80) 25514328 / 25309104 E-mail ID : info@edstechnologies.com |