15th May 2019

VAPS XT 4.2.1 is now available

This release provides enhancements and bug fixes, applicable to both Standard and ARINC 661 development.

General Enhancements

  • Fonts
    • Raster font binary format now supports three user-data sections: Default size, Description, and Notice.
    • Sans, Serif, and Mono raster fonts now include characters as per the A661 Character Set Extensions.
  • ReplicateGroup
    • A new container object that creates runtime copies of its descendants. This object provides an alternative to existing containers to support high-performance at runtime.
  • MathWorks’ Simulink/MATLAB support
    • Support integration with MATLAB/Simulink versions 8.5.0 32-bit (R2015ax32) and 9.4.0 64-bit (R2018ax64).
  • Video Objects
    • New command line options for video decoders.
    • Support to enable and disable the ChromaKey support in the Editor.
    • Performance improvements for specific GPU and driver combinations.
  • Visual Studio Runtime Libraries
    • Visual Studio 2015 and 2017 libraries provided (/MT option).
    • Visual Studio 2013 libraries provided (/MD and /MT options).

ARINC 661 Enhancements

  • GestureArea EventId
    • Updated to reflect changes to standard ARINC 661 Supplement 7.
  • CDS Notifications
    • Support of A661_CYCLIC_ACTIVATION and A661_NOTE_CONNECTOR_DATA notifications.
  • Custom Layer Requests and Layer Notifications
    • Support for processing custom layer requests and generating custom layer notifications.
  • New Widget Implementations
    • DataConnector widget is now provided.