Immersive Visual Experience

Industrial designers, mechanical engineers, marketers, project managers, manufacturing planners and other decision makers in any industry face daily challenges during the product development process. They now need to experience their design, with its volumes and proportions in a life-like environment which cannot be achieved in a computer-screen alone.

Virtual Reality provides an intuitive way to push the boundaries of creativity. Designers and engineers can facilitate the convergence of product aesthetics and technical requirements, while a marketer can better influence the user experience for more personal and emotional impact.


The 3DEXPERIENCE platform frees users to virtually design revolutionary and connected products, systems, infrastructures or even cities.

This enables the modeling of innovative ideas, and the opportunity to experience them before they even exist. Viewing and manipulating data with very high resolution in an interactive and immersive environment improves the 3DEXPERIENCE by putting users at the heart of the virtual product.