VR-Vantage® IG |
3D Image Generation for Out-the-Window,
Camera, and Sensor Channels |
VR-Vantage IG is an image generation software solution from VT MÄK. Install it on any
standard PC with an NVIDIA graphics card and immediately start generating realistic 3D
scenes of your simulation environment. Whether you use it to render a first-person view
for a virtual trainer, to provide a sensor channel for a UVS simulation, or to generate
simulated security camera feeds for a homeland security application, VR-Vantage IG is
easy to deploy and configure.
Distributed Rendering
VR-Vantage IG’s built-in distributed rendering architecture supports many different display
configurations - from simple desktop deployments to multi-channel displays for
virtual cockpits and training systems. An intuitive GUI allows you to connect to remote
display engines running on additional PCs, configure channel parameters, and set up
viewing frustums.
Host-IG Interface
VR-Vantage IG supports the industry-standard CIGI (Common Image Generator Interface)
protocol for controlling the IG from a separate simulation host. Through CIGI,
your host application can control the eyepoint, place and control moving models, load
terrains, set visual parameters, and more. VR - Vantage IG can also provide mission functions
by responding to line-of-sight and height-above-terrain queries.

But VR-Vantage IG does not require you implement a dedicated IG control protocol like
CIGI. It also natively supports the HLA and DIS protocols, so that it can generate scenes
based directly on the CGF and other entity traffic that you are already publishing on
your distributed simulation network. You can send special DIS or HLA messages to control
the eyepoint, or use the run-time GUI to place the eyepoint at a simulated camera
location on the terrain, or to attach to a specific HLA or DIS entity. |
Built-in Content and Capability
VR-Vantage IG comes with a rich set of topquality
3D entity models from companies
like Simthetiq and RealDB that support attached
parts, damage representations, and
articulated parts such as turrets and guns.
Built-in support for Boston Dynamics’ DIGuy
™, DiSTI’s GL Studio®, IDV’s SpeedTree®,
and Sundog’s SilverLining™ means that you
don’t need to buy additional run-time licenses
to have great looking human characters,
interactive cockpit displays, dynamic trees
and bushes, weather effects, and volumetric
clouds. |
Terrain Agility and Correlation
VR-Vantage IG is Terrain Agile - able to work with a wide variety of terrain approaches,
formats, and protocols. The tool can load traditional databases, like hand-modeled
OpenFlight, page large-area terrains, like MetaFlight, and build visual databases “onthe -
fly” from source data like DTED, GeoTIFF, and Shapefiles. It can even dynamically
create 3D terrain by streaming in elevation, imagery, and features to build up large areas
and cutting-in site models for high fidelity ground detail.
SensorFX for Physics-based Sensor Displays
The SensorFX module converts VR-Vantage IG from a visual scene generator to a sensor
scene generator. Based on the SenSim and SigSim run-time products from JRM
Technologies, SensorFX models the physics of light energy as it is emitted, reflected,
and transmitted through the atmosphere and into a sensing device. It also models
the collection and processing properties of the sensing device to render an accurate
electro-optical (EO), night vision (NVG), or infrared (IR) scene. Many of the models that
come with VR-Vantage IG are already “sensor-ready”, but you can use JRM’s Genesis
tool to materially classify the textures in your terrain and custom models.
Flexibility and Extension
While VR-Vantage IG comes ready-to-run out of the box, it can also be extended using
the VR-Vantage Toolkit - based on OpenSceneGraph. Using the toolkit, developers
can extend almost any aspect of VR-Vantage IG, embed it into simulations, or create
new applications.
. PC-based IG Software
. 3D Image Generation
. CIGI, HLA, and DIS Compliant
. Shader-based Environment Rendering
. SensorFX Module for EO/IR/NVG
. Multi -Chanel Distributed Rendering
. GL Studio Cockpit Displays
. DI-Guy Human Characters
. SpedTre Vegetation
. Large Area Terain Data base Paging
. Terain Agile
. Based on OpenSceneGraph |
For more information log on to www.edstechnologies.com
To Know more, write us at : marketing@edstechnologies.com or Call us at : 1800 425 3378 |