17th November 2016
EDS Technologies (EDST) solution partner VT MAK Announces VR-Engage – Multi-Role Virtual Simulator

VT MÄK (MÄK), EDST's Solutions partner for the Real-Time Visual Simulation has announced a new virtual simulation product called VR-Engage.

VR-Engage is developed for use in training simulations or laboratory experimentation and lets users play the role of a first person human character; a ground vehicle driver, a gunner or a commander; or a pilot of a fixed wing aircraft or helicopter.

Built on mature proven technologies, VR-Engage gets its simulation engine from VR-Forces, its game-quality 3D graphics from VR-Vantage and its network interoperability from VR-Link.

EDST is looking forward to engage with the Indian Defence Industry vertical for VR-Engage product portfolio

About EDS Technologies Pvt.Ltd.
EDS Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (EDST), established in 1995, is the largest PLM and Real-Time Visual Simulation solutions provider in India. EDST partnering with global leaders including Dassault Systemes, SAP, Presagis and VT-MAK provides CAD/ CAM/ CAE/ PLM/ ERP and 3D Visual simulation solutions, Training and on-site resources bringing in the most complete solution for any size and type of industry.
EDST's differentiation is its domain expertise, consultative approach and hands-on understanding of customer requirements required to drive successful implementations with world class training and technical support. With nearly two decades of experience, EDST has the largest customer base in the Indian market with more than 1500 customers from aerospace, automotive & supply chains, industrial machinery, high-tech and electronics, railways, infrastructure, consumer packaged goods, engineering service providers, defense, research and education sectors.
For more information log on to  www.edstechnologies.com
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